So we were out of town for a week and have just been crazy busy, so dinners have been easy and boring. We've also been so hungry that we forget to take pictures! This is just a simple dinner that's quick and easy for the nights we don't get home until after 7.

Pasta with homemade sauce and freshly shaved parmesan. I brought home 50lbs of tomatoes earlier this summer and told Tom he should make some sauce. Now that tomato season is basically over, I love being able to pull the sauce out of the freezer and have a quick and homemade meal. I think next year I'll have to bring home more tomatoes, the sauce is going quickly!

Now that its apple season, I brought home a bushel of Jonogold apples. Half went to Tom's sister (who swears she is making applesauce) and we have the other half. Today I slacked off from the gym and came home and made apple muffins! They are so simple and easy, yet so good. They have a cup of sour cream in them, it seems to make such a difference. I used all of 1 apple in this recipe, which ended up being about 2.5 cups of chopped apple. I think this weekend I'll try to talk Tom into making an apple pie. And apple butter. And anything else we can think of. Suggestions?
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